Citizenship of Panama 2023-2024 | Application & Requirements

We are pleased to inform you about Citizenship of Panama 2023-2024 | Application & Requirements

Panama is a Central American nation with a reputation for being politically and economically stable, having low tax rates, and having a good level of living.

These and other elements have contributed to Panama’s popularity as a second citizenship destination. Access to world-class healthcare, visa-free travel to more than 100 countries, and a safe and secure environment are just a few advantages of becoming a citizen of Panama.

In this guide, we will discuss the requirements and process for obtaining Panama citizenship and what steps need to be taken to make the process as smooth as possible.

How to Get Panama Citizenship Step-by-Step Process(Apply)

Follow these step-by-step process to know how to apply for Panama citizenship:

  • Determine eligibility: Check if you meet the criteria for Panama citizenship, such as having lived in the country for 5 consecutive years or being married to a Panamanian citizen.
  • Gather required documents: This includes your passport, birth certificate, police clearance certificate, and other documents specified by the Panamanian government.
  • Complete the residency application: Submit the residency application and pay the required fee. This will allow you to live and work in Panama while the citizenship application is being processed.
  • Wait for approval: The residency application process can take several months. Once approved, you will receive a residency card.
  • Apply for citizenship: Submit the citizenship application along with the required documents and fee.
  • Attend an interview: You may be required to attend an interview with the Panamanian immigration authorities.
  • Wait for decision: The citizenship application process can take several months. If approved, you will receive a certificate of naturalization.
  • Take the oath of citizenship: Attend a ceremony to take the oath of citizenship and receive your Panama passport.

Panama Citizenship Requirements

Here are the basic citizenship requirements you must fulfill before you can be granted eligibility for citizenship and they are as follows:

  • Residency: To apply for Panama citizenship, you must have lived in the country for a minimum of 5 consecutive years.
  • Background check: A clean police record and background check is required.
  • Financial stability: Proof of financial stability such as a stable income, employment, or ownership of property in Panama may be required.
  • Language proficiency: You must demonstrate basic proficiency in Spanish.
  • Marriage: If you are married to a Panamanian citizen, you may be eligible for citizenship after only 2 years of residency in Panama.
  • Investment: Making a significant investment in Panama, such as purchasing property or starting a business, may also be a path to citizenship.
  • Good conduct: You must demonstrate good conduct and a positive reputation in the community.
  • Documents: You will need to provide various official documents such as a birth certificate, passport, and police clearance certificate.

Does Panama Permit Dual Citizenship?

Yes, Panama allows dual citizenship. This means that you can hold citizenship in both Panama and your country of origin. There are no restrictions on dual citizenship in Panama, and the government recognizes the right of its citizens to hold multiple citizenships.

How to Become a Panama Citizen by Descent

To become a citizen of Panama by descent, an individual must have a parent who was born in Panama. To apply, the following steps should be taken:

  • Gather required documentation, including a birth certificate and proof of parentage.
  • Submit the required documents to the Panamanian Consulate or Embassy in your country of residency.
  • Complete a background check and fingerprinting.
  • Pay applicable fees and wait for processing, which can take several months.
  • Once approved, take an oath of allegiance to Panama and receive your citizenship certificate.

Note: These requirements may vary based on the individual’s specific circumstances and the regulations in place at the time of the application. It’s recommended to consult with a immigration lawyer for more information on the process.

How to Become a Panama Citizen by Investment

To become a citizen of Panama through investment, an individual must make a significant investment in the country. The following are the steps to apply:

  • Choose an eligible investment, such as real estate, a local business, or a government-approved fund.
  • Complete the necessary due diligence and background checks.
  • Obtain necessary documentation, including proof of investment, passport, and police clearance.
  • Submit the required documentation and fees to the government of Panama.
  • Wait for approval, which can take several months.
  • Once approved, take an oath of allegiance to Panama and receive your citizenship certificate.

How to Become a Panama Citizen by Marriage

To become a citizen of Panama through marriage, an individual must be married to a Panamanian citizen. The following steps should be taken:

  • Marry a Panamanian citizen and obtain proof of marriage.
  • Obtain necessary documentation, including passport and police clearance.
  • Submit the required documentation and fees to the government of Panama.
  • Wait for approval, which can take several months.
  • Once approved, take an oath of allegiance to Panama and receive your citizenship certificate.

What Are the Benefits of Becoming a Panama Citizen?

Here are five major benefits of becoming a citizen of Panama including what you stand to enjoy:

Access to world-class healthcare:

Panama has a well-developed healthcare system with modern hospitals and a large number of highly trained medical professionals. As a citizen, you will have access to this system, as well as discounts on medical services.

Low cost of living:

Panama has a relatively low cost of living compared to many developed countries, which makes it an attractive option for those looking to stretch their retirement savings or reduce their cost of living.

Tax benefits:

Panama has a territorial tax system, which means that citizens only pay taxes on income earned within the country. Additionally, there are no taxes on foreign-earned income, making it an attractive option for those looking to reduce their tax burden.

Political stability:

Panama has a stable government and is known for its strong economic growth, making it a safe and secure place to live and do business.

Cultural diversity:

Panama is a melting pot of cultures, with a large expat community and a mix of indigenous, Afro-Caribbean, and Latin American influences. This makes it a vibrant and interesting place to live, with a rich cultural heritage.

It’s important to keep in mind that each individual’s situation is unique and that citizenship requirements, benefits, and regulations can change over time. It’s recommended to consult with a immigration lawyer or government official for the most up-to-date information on the benefits and requirements of becoming a citizen of Panama

Is It Hard to Become a Panama Citizen?

Becoming a citizen of Panama can be a complex process and requires meeting several eligibility requirements and completing various steps, such as providing documentation, passing background checks, and completing a residency period. Additionally, the process can take several months to complete. However, it is not impossible, and many people successfully obtain citizenship in Panama every year.

How Much Must I Invest to Become a Panama Citizen?

To become a citizen of Panama through investment, an individual must make a substantial financial investment in the country, typically through real estate or a business. The exact amount required can vary, but it is typically around $160,000-$300,000.

Here is an overview of the process:

Real Estate Investment:

An individual can invest in Panama real estate with a minimum investment of $160,000. The investment must be made in a designated area and must be kept for a minimum of five years.

Business Investment:

An individual can start a business in Panama with a minimum investment of $160,000. The business must create at least five full-time jobs for Panamanian citizens.

It’s important to note that the investment must be made through a local bank, and the investor must be able to prove the legal source of funds. Additionally, the investor must undergo a thorough background check and provide various documentation, including a police clearance certificate, medical certificate, and proof of residency.

Becoming a citizen of Panama through investment is not easy and requires significant financial resources and a commitment to meet eligibility requirements and complete the process.


Following a step-by-step procedure and meeting particular eligibility requirements are necessary to become a citizen of Panama. Having a spotless criminal record, having enough money, and fulfilling the residency criteria are necessary.

Working with a lawyer is advised to ensure a smooth process and avert any potential problems. A high level of life, low tax rates, and access to a stable political and economic environment are just a few advantages of becoming a citizen of Panama.

Note: If you questions or corrections regarding this post, kindly use the comment box below.

By stevo

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