CACH Application Closing Date 2024-2025
We are pleased to inform you about CACH Application Closing Date 2024-2025
The CACH service collects information on learners with grade 12 results who are seeking placement at a University, University of Technology, or Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college at the beginning of the year. The CACH sign-up service allows candidates to “sign-up” for consideration by any institution that has indicated their intention to participate in CACH.
Institutions and the sector education and training authorities (SETAs) use the CACH database for placement. Where places exist and prospective students meet the requirements, institutions will contact them directly once they have accepted the offer on the CACH system.
The CACH service is provided by the Department of Higher Education and Training as a free service to both applicants and institutions. Since 2013 it has helped thousands of aspirant students find places at institutions of higher learning.
Public universities, TVET colleges, SETA’s and private colleges will access the CACH database via the website (self-service portal) to search for individuals that meet the criteria of the spaces still available. The system will send SMS or e-mails to those that are made an offer for them to accept or reject the offer. Once the offer has been accepted, Institutions will directly contact those who accepted the offer. The information drawn from the CACH will be treated with the same level of confidentiality as that of direct applicants by institutions and there will be compliance with the protection of the personal information act of 2013.
For students who remain unclear about which career to follow, CACH provides referral service to career advice and information through DHET’s Khetha Career Development Service.
The Central Applications Clearing House (CACH) service provides an opportunity to learners who have not yet received a place to study at a post-school higher education institution.
The CACH service is FREE and aims to match applicants’ National Senior Certificate exam results (which is received directly from the Department of Basic Education) and study preferences with places that need to be filled. This service guarantees that applicant data will be made available to all possible institutions in the PSET system.
However, we cannot guarantee that you will be offered a place.
How to Check CACH Application Closing Date 2024-2025
follow; Central Application Clearing House (CACH) Portal Login Website &
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