20 Best Niches For Web Design 2023-2024 | Application & Requirements

We are pleased to inform you about 20 Best Niches For Web Design 2023-2024 | Application & Requirements

You must focus on the greatest and most lucrative web design niches in order to flourish as a web designer because there will be a growth in both the quantity of websites and the need for web designers.

Thankfully, this post offers a comprehensive list of the greatest niches for web design, and also the most profitable web design niches.

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However, many people tend to come in with the notion that a web designer can work in all web design niches. This belief has greatly limited and hindered so many talented web designers, who tend to end up becoming just regular guys in web design.

This has also made the web designing industry to be saturated with a lot of these web designers over the last couple of years. So, if you want to stand out from this crowd, going for the best niches for web design with low competition should be at the top of your list.

When you go for the best web design niches, a specific customer base will want to hire you, which will establish you as an expert and a professional in that niche rather than joining the crowd.

Choosing the best niches for web design also differentiates you from every other web designer in the open market and makes you stand out from the crowd and over time, you will build a portfolio that is suited to the niche.

1. Blogs

Blogs are known to closely work with web designers as bloggers are keenly particular about the outlook of their web page. With this, blogging is the best niche for web designers with high demand and a bit of high competition.

Due to the high competition, you can micro-niche the blogging niche to give you more options to have the most profitable web design niche with low competition and high demand.

Lifestyle blogs, fashion blogs, tech blogs, news blogs, and more are the possible micro-niche you can break this web design niche into.

With new blogs coming up every day, and the already existing blogs undergoing major rebranding and redesigning to suit the Gen-Z trends of today, the blog is one of the best niches for web design.

2. E-commerce

After the pandemic, so many businesses have decided to move from an on-premises marketplace to the internet, making E-commerce one of the best niches for web design.

And today eCommerce is at the top of its game as more businesses are still creating online markets for themselves even when they have an on-premise sales point. This has created so much limitless potential in this niche for web developers.

Due to how complex it takes to design an e-commerce website, many web designers tend to run away from this niche, making it the most profitable web design niche with low competition, coupled with its high demand.

All e-commerce business operators require good web designers that can give them the right web-page outlook that suits their business, so you are sure to make a fortune from this web design niche only if you have the required expertise.

3. Online Course

Today there are so many online study sites and many more are still coming up.

So, this would be the best niche for web designers because these online course creators and study influencers are steadily looking out for web designers that can create high-converting websites for them.

This kind of website requires a very detailed, catchy, and captivating outlook and for this reason, potential clients in this web design niche are willing to pay as much as expected to get the required consumer-friendly website they desire.

Also, because of the level of excellence required in this web design niche, there is potential for referrals, making it one of the best niches for web design.

4. Landing Pages

When talking about the best niches for web design, the landing page should not be left behind.

Landing page design is in huge demand regardless of the kind of business that needs it, and one good thing about this web design niche is that it’s also one of the low competitive web design niches, making it highly profitable.

All you need to know is how to design a single page that is capable of making anyone that comes across the page purchase the products and services on it.

Specializing in designing landing pages with high conversion rates is definitely a super profitable web design niche in a long shot because after a few clients and stats from their feedback, we are sure you will be in high demand too.

5.  NFTs

NFT which stands for Non-fungible tokens is one of the best niches for web design.

This is because NFT just broke out on the internet not too long ago and many people both young and old are jumping into it, so creating a website for NFT marketplaces, blogs or any NFT-related website is in high demand.

Since these NFT web design niches are completely new, it is not yet saturated by many web designers, making them the most profitable web design niche you can think of in the crypto industry.

6. Hair and Beauty Saloons 

This is another niche where the presentation of offerings is crucial for getting more clients, which makes it the best niche for web designers.

Hair and beauty entrepreneurs are now in high demand for web pages where they showcase their skills and styling experience, and beautiful design with a little bit of local SEO, and you should have tons of satisfied customers.

The market in this web design niche is fairly competitive so there is still room for you to go into this niche and carve a professional name for yourself. It’s one of the best niches for web design.

7. Private Healthcare services

Another best niche for web designers is the private healthcare sector. Private healthcare practitioners are a great market to target because of their competitive industry which makes the services of a website designer to be in high demand.

Since the healthcare sector is a highly skilled profession, to succeed in this niche as a web designer, you need to know intimately the issues and the problems they typically face, and then have knowledge of the best way to solve them.

However, this niche is considered one of the best niches for web design because there are so many branches to this. This means you can easily break it down into different profitable web design micro-niches.

Dentists, optometrists, psychologists, cosmologists, and many others are examples of different micro-niches under the umbrella of healthcare services.

But it would be advisable to focus on a specific medical practice at a time for better hyper-target marketing. There is fair competition in this niche, so you have a high chance of coming in and making a huge name and money for yourself.

8. Construction Company

The construction company is also one of the best niches for web design. This is because construction businesses and architectural firms always need websites for their new clients or projects.

This web design niche requires great expertise as the type of web pages required by construction and architecture firms are expected to be highly unique and professional.

If you have a bit of know-how about this industry, you could definitely niche down in this sector, and it’s a profitable web design niche.

9. Legal Industries

Law firms, lawyers, and consultants sure need websites where they showcase their professionalism and you need to have the knowledge of this industry and the best way to solve their problems.

When searching for the best niches for web design, the legal industry is a  good one to specialize in as there is not much competition in it.

With the right marketing strategy, you can turn this into the most profitable web design niche and make a lot of money.

10. Real Estate

All over the world today, real estate is at its peak with so many real estate companies coming into the market every day and several others undergoing rebranding every day so as to keep up with the competitive market.

So, this is the best niche for web designers to venture into because there are a ton of real estate agents and agencies that are looking for good web designers to give them a professionally unique online representation.

If you can design a good real estate website that can convert better for your clients, focusing on real estate is one of the best niches for web design that might just be your golden goose.

11. Financial Advisor

In today’s world, financial advisers are very sorted after, they are licensed professionals who are trained to advise people on how to achieve their financial goals.

This is one of the best niches for web design because it gives you an open market as there is not so much competition in this niche.

So it would be very easy for you to create a brand for yourself in this web design niche.

12. Pet & Animal Related

If you are out of ideas for the best niches for web design, then the pet and animal web design niches are the ones to consider.

Pets are an essential part of our lives as humans, people love their pets so there’s a huge industry built around them. Today, there is a huge market surrounding pet care and there are now many pet-care specialists online today.

There is a trend of vet clinics looking to own a website where they educate pet owners and give out pet-care tips, so this is the best niche for web designers to get involved in and create a name for themselves.

Currently, there are not so many competitors in this niche making it the most profitable web design niche you can think of.

13. Insurance companies

Insurance is a core part of human life and this is one of the best niches for web design.

The insurance industries around the world are expanding and growing every day with the birth of so many new insurance companies who are most definitely going to need websites since we live in a digital world.

There is a high chance of making a fortune from this web design niche because it requires professional expertise and if you have the needed skills, then you are sure to do well here.

If you go into this web design niche today, you might end up creating a successful brand for yourself in a few years because it’s the best niche for web designers with low competition.

14. Photography Studio

As a web designer looking to create a successful niche, working with photography studios should be among the best niches for web design to consider.

Photography studios these days now require websites to showcase their creativity, so this is a good niche to go into.

It might be slightly competitive but there is room for everyone as with great expertise, consistency, and professionalism you could better others and come top on the market chain.

15. Outdoor Related Niches

If you are looking for the best web design niches that will make you an expert within a short period of time, an outdoor-related niche is the one for you.

Outdoor/social event planners are now beginning to realize the essence of having a website that would be an easy go-to place for intending customers.

It only involves making websites for social groups and outdoor activities organizers.

Outdoor/social event is another best niche for web designers with low competition and if you go into it with good skill and knowledge you might enjoy some form of monopoly.

Some of your potential clients in this web design niche are – house party organizers, camp-group planners, vacation and travel planners, etc.

16. Automotive

Automotive is one of the best niches for web design in this modern life.

This is because there are many car dealership companies and car rental services today that need a website to showcase all that they have to offer.

The Automotive web design niches are just as promising. With the right marketing strategy, you can be a professional in this niche.

17. Schools and Education

As a web developer you could decide to create web design niches in the education sector, this entails only making websites for schools and education institutions.

As the world is going digital since after the pandemic, so also is everything in it, making education and school one of the best niches for web design.

So many schools today need a website of their own that can be able to host online classes for their students, bridging the ancient classroom tradition that heavily affected the educational sector during the pandemic

As a web designer, you can plunge into this and make yourself a professional in making school and education websites. This is one of the best niches for web design with high futuristic potential, because as we all know, “learning never ends”

18. Business Coaches

Working specifically with business coaches is such a big deal as business coaches are highly sorted after today, therefore, making this one of the best niches for web design.

Business coaching is a high-ticket service that business owners consult regularly to either solve a problem in their business or take their businesses to the next level. This is a good niche to go into as a web designer.

19. Location-specific use experience

Away from business-type web design niches, Location-specific UX/UI design is in high demand, and if you focus solely on designing websites for this, there is definitely plenty of money to be made.

This is one of the best niches for web design because there is a never-ending road to learning new things and improving your skills as a web designer in this niche.

Being able to improve the experience of users on existing design requires hawk-eyed with out-of-this-world attention to detail, and this involves specializing in designing websites for only location-specific clients.

With the right education, persistence, and a lot of experience and familiarity with the location, you are sure to stand out and make a brand for yourself.

20. Hospitality

If you are searching for the best web design niches that can be broken down into different micro-niches, then hospitality is the one to jump into.

Hospitality is just like the medical web design niches, it can be broken down even further. For example, restaurants, bars, food delivery services, hotels, fast food,  etc.

There is also a high chance of making so much money in this web design niche because there are so many available clients that can be gotten with the right marketing strategy especially when you are good at designing hospitality websites.


The above article is the list of the best niches for web design and we hope it helps you to also choose the most profitable web design niche suitable for you.

Niching down as a web developer is very important as it gives you that uniqueness you need to scale your idea and create a mark for yourself no matter how competitive the web design niches are.

Thanks for having the time to read this article about the best niches for web design till the end. We have a lot of career tips articles, you can check out.

Note: If you have questions or corrections regarding this post, kindly use the comment box below.


By Miriam

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